Why Do Many Women Choose To Undergo Breast Augmentation Surgery?

Why Do Many Women Choose to Undergo Breast Augmentation Surgery?



Plastic and reconstructive procedures have become safer and more effective with the availability of advanced medical technology and skilled plastic surgeons. Breast augmentation surgery is an aesthetic procedure that has gained a lot of popularity these days mainly on account of the excellent aesthetic results it provides.

Breast surgery for increasing breast volume is performed in two ways by using FDA approved implants and via the fat transfer method. The implants used for enhancement are silicone gel and saline implants. The former gives a softer and more natural feel. Fat transfer breast augmentation makes use of the patient s own body fat from areas where there is excess fat. Usually fat is harvested from the buttocks, thighs, hips and abdomen. The advantages of this method are that there is no risk of rejection since no foreign materials are used; and when excess fat is removed, those body parts become well-contoured.


Cosmetic Breast Surgery: Why Women Opt for It

Why do many women choose to undergo breast enlargement? Here is a look at some of the major factors that persuade women to opt for this procedure.

  • To increase cup sizeWomen, whose natural breasts are small, choose breast augmentation to increase the size of the breasts and look more feminine. This will enable them to feel more comfortable in beachwear as well as other clothes that are designed to enhance curves.
  • If you are a breast cancer survivorIf you are a breast cancer survivor and has had a full or partial mastectomy then you could definitely consider breast augmentation. This will help to restore natural-looking breasts, self esteem and confidence.
  • To restore breast size and contour post pregnancyUsually, breastfeeding and hormonal changes result in shrunken breasts and stretch marks on the breasts. To address these concerns, women choose to undergo this cosmetic breast surgery.
  • To correct asymmetrical breastsBreasts that are asymmetrical are a major concern for many women. With this cosmetic surgery, the breasts can be made symmetrical, rounder and fuller.
  • To counteract the loss in breast volume following weight lossAfter significant weight loss, women might also lose a considerable amount of fat tissue from the breasts which can be distressing. Breast augmentation will help to bring back the lost volume and youthful breast contour.
  • For personal self worth There are many women who opt for breast augmentation, not for any other reason, but for themselves. They opt for this procedure to look and feel more confident and beautiful.

The Right Plastic Surgeon an Important Consideration

The decision to undergo breast augmentation surgery should be made in consultation with your plastic surgeon. Find out whether you are a candidate for this procedure. Not all women may qualify, as far as their overall health status is concerned. When the surgery is performed by an experienced and skilled plastic surgeon, it ensures you the attractive aesthetic results you are looking for.

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